Christ the Lord is Risen!
On the Easter morning, outside the tomb Mary Magdalene stood weeping for she thought someone has taken the Lord’s body. In the midst of all her despair, her wounds, her feeling of being lost, of not knowing what to do, her emptiness, the feeling of that her whole world had crumbled, her insecurities and pain. Not sure whether the death of her good friend or the lost of the body was more painful for her. In midst of all these, she heard a voice, a voice she was familiar with, the same voice that commanded 7 demons to be driven from her previously, it was the voice of the Lord. And the voice called her name, “Mary!” It is through the voice calling her name, that made her tears cease, made her realise it was the Lord Jesus and not the gardener that was in the tomb, made her mindful that the beloved and precious Son of God who flung stars into space is personal to even a sinner like her. It is often the real and clear understanding of who Jesus really is, that brings us to see beyond our present state, beyond our pain, our sufferings, our inadequacies and to focus on the Lamb of God.
And the Resurrection has reaped the eternal benefits. Through the Resurrection, death has lost its sting, Through the Resurrection, the Comforter & Counselor came and bore witness amongst us, it made the understanding of “2 births and 1 death” vivid clear.
Through the Friday of immense sadness, gloom, & despair, and the Saturday of lost and hopelessness, comes the Sunday of joy, of celebrations, and of hope beyond words. Christ the Lord is Risen!