Saturday, September 02, 2006

Appreciation notes

Thank you all for your kind and appreciate notes during the Bro & Sis Appreciation Nite. I am appreciative of what you have written and encouraged me. I truly hope and pray that we can be friends with you and vice versa. I promise to accept you for who you are and not who everybody thought you ought to be. I will remember not to judge you for only God judges us. While I want you all to grow spiritually, I want to help you see the benefits of a life that is lived for the Lord and an obedient life. The choice is all ours to make. I will want to listen to you first before I desire to speak, seeking to understand you first before being understood. I shall try my best to demonstrate to you I can be like one of you i.e. speaking your lingo, partake the things you liked to do, and filter your actions and things that you hold dear to, first seeing you through the eyes of a teenager and affectionating you regardless. I shall try my best to be authentic with you, living out what I profess. On occasions that I faltered, I seek yours and God's forgiveness. I shall have your best interests at heart and support you in your heart's best interests.

I echo Paul's prayer for the Phillippians, "that my prayer for you is that your love will abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and be pure and blameless until the day of Christ...."



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